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Author: J & S Electrical Contractors

What is the Difference between a Main Panel and a Subpanel?

As the heart of any electrical system, it is important to understand the basis of a circuit box and the panels within. Not only is that useful in planning current or future electrical upgrades, but it will also help you optimize your electrical maintenance budget and keep your property safe. The experts at J&S Electrical Contractors Inc. explain the key components of the circuit box.

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Highlights of Electrical Requirements in the Medical Industry

Whether it is medical, dentistry, psychiatry, obstetrical, surgical, or nursing care, every healthcare facility in the US is required to comply with a number of legislations and guidelines. From the building layout and construction materials, to operations and administration, every aspect needs to conform to the hygiene, safety or privacy standards defined by various regulatory bodies. One such aspect is the electrical solutions and wiring. Since each healthcare facility depends on electrical equipment for providing critical care and preserving life, electrical solutions in the medical sector come under heavy scrutiny and regulations. 

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Surge Protection is Critical for Certain Industries

Industries that use electronic machines or components are well aware that fluctuations in the power flow can potentially bring down their entire operations, especially if they do not have adequate surge protection. Whether it is lightning strikes, electrostatic discharges, or switching operations, there are many reasons why a surge may occur. The cause of the surge determines the duration and amplitude of the surge voltage. This is where surge protection equipment comes in. Essentially, it cuts off or diverts the overflow of electricity to prevent the excess voltage surge from passing through or coming in contact with sensitive electronic components. 

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Is Your Property Due for an Electrical Service Upgrade?

According to a U.S. Fire Administration report, in 2017 alone, 8,200 commercial premises reported electrical fires that led to losses worth $431 million. No matter how old or new your commercial premises might be, your building’s electrical systems are a critical component of property upkeep. This includes routine maintenance, periodic electrical upgrades, and code compliance, in order to keep your commercial property hazard-free and functional. After all, there is nothing more important than the safety of your premises, occupants or employees, customers, and visitors. 

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Have You Installed Proper Sized Electric AMPs on your Property?

Do the lights at your commercial premises flicker or dim on their own? Do the breakers in your electrical circuits keep blowing every few weeks or months? Such instances may indicate that your breaker panel or fuse box is improperly balanced, or incorrectly configured (does not provide sufficient amps). Without a proper upgrade, your electrical equipment or machinery may not perform optimally, and is at risk of damage due to overheating of components.

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Standby Generator May Be the Best Thing to Happen to Your Business

Whatever the nature of your business, uninterrupted electricity supply is almost always a critical aspect of delivering consistent products or services, a cornerstone of a successful business. Whether it is a factory, mall, bank, hospital, restaurant, or corporate premises, it is safe to say that every establishment benefits from installing a backup generator. However, certain businesses are at high risk of quality, safety, or health hazards, which makes them more vulnerable to the effects of power outages. 

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